bali wall panel motif frangipani leaf

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Relief of Cambodian Leaves as Wall Decoration and Its Beauty in Residential – Now you can put frangipani plants in your home. In the form of wall decoration, of course, you can add a natural impression to your home. In addition, frangipani leaves have their own unique value with their wide and long leaf shapes.

Why choose frangipani leaf relief as a wall decoration?

Frangipani is one of the most beautiful types of flowers in Indonesia and is in great demand by the Indonesian population, because in addition to beautifying the home page, this plant has many colors and can be mixed through cross-breeding. This flower also has a fragrant smell, but not too strong, so it is widely used as aromatherapy.

In addition to the flowers owned by the frangipani plant, the leaves are also unique. The leaves of this one can be used as traditional medicine, because it has the property of curing several diseases that exist in the body. Among them cure warts, swollen bodies, treat boils, and much more! If you want to know how to process frangipani leaves into medicine, you can directly search the internet.

Apart from being a medicine, frangipani leaves can also give a calming effect when placed in the house as a wall decoration, those of you who see it will feel more relaxed because they see the leaves which are part of nature.

Where is the best place to put a frangipani leaf relief as a wall decoration?

You can put a frangipani leaf relief on the outer wall of the residence, to complement the beauty of the garden in your home, or if you have a large house with a large space, you can place it in the living room or dining room as a wall decoration. Of course, the placement of frangipani leaf reliefs as wall decorations comes back to your individual tastes, but it should be placed in a place that is often seen by people, because the art of wall decoration with this frangipani leaf relief design can give a beautiful and natural impression to your dwelling.

How is the quality of the frangipani leaf relief as a wall decoration?

This relief uses Paras Jogja stone whose quality has been proven. You don't need to hesitate to choose this relief with frangipani leaf design, because it is made of natural stone of the highest quality and enlivens a luxurious atmosphere, yet still elegant for the dwelling.

You can add varnish to make it weather and mildew resistant. And varnish paint can make your wall decoration more shiny.

What are you waiting for? Get a home with a natural feel and soothe the eyes with frangipani leaf reliefs as a wall decoration in your home!


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